#BarreshouldersShoulders, Shoulders, Shoulders! Standing with your feet parallel or in first position with turn out hip width apart, pull up to releve with a slight demi plie. Booty should be directly over your heals. Your arms should come up in front of the face shoulder width apart with 90 degree angles. Elbows directly out from shoulders and wrists directly over elbows. There are many different names for this exercise. 11's, L shape arms, 90 degree bends etc.
Flat back chair is one of the most difficult positions to hold. Its easy enough to get into but holding it for a period of time is very difficult. Start by placing your toes under the barre. Tuck your hips under, engage your abs and roll your shoulder down your back. Sit straight back and down like you were sitting into a chair. |
#DiamondV vs. #ParallelthighDiamond thigh or Parallel thigh work the same parts of the thigh. The only difference is the positioning of your feet! To start stand with your feet in first position "turned out" (Diamond thigh) or your feet in first position parallel (Parallel thigh) lift your heels into releve, tuck your booty, engage your abs, roll your shoulders down and back and lift your chest (chest is proud). Put a slight bend or demi plie in your knees. Your booty should be directly over your heels with a flat back. You will pulse down in your knees NOT your heels.
#BarretricepsTriceps are one of the most difficult parts of the arm to sculpt but one of our favorites. Locking out your arms (no bend) is a very difficult concept to grasp. However, if this is done correctly it will tone your Triceps like nothing else can. Start by placing your heels hip width apart and parallel (straight). Pull your heels up to releve, tuck your booty to flatten the bottom of the back, engage your abs, roll your shoulders back and down to flatten the top of you back (from shoulder to shoulder) and hinge forward at the hips so your chest is parallel to the ground. Lock your arms or straighten them and lift them up above hip height from there you will do tiny lifts up an inch down an inch.